Submission Guidelines

Presentations at the conference will be based on submission and acceptance of an abstract (up to 250 words). All the submitted abstracts will go through a double blinded review process. Following abstract acceptance, delegates will have the option to submit a full paper, addressing the review comments. All accepted abstracts and papers will be available in the Conference Proceedings.

English is the official language of the conference. We welcome abstract, paper and poster submissions.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research abstracts/papers/posters (NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in another conference/journal).

The Oxford Abstracts submission system** will be open from October 30, 2022 until January 20th 2023

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts should provide a summary of the complete article, including its strengths and applicability to the conference’s objectives, as well as a concise description of the methods, findings and conclusions.

Full Paper Submissions

Following abstract acceptance, you have the option to submit a full paper addressing review comments by updating your previous abstract submission. Authors are to be added to the final version of the submitted full paper.

Call for PDW's and Special Tracks

The Conference offers the opportunity to provide a limited number of professional development workshops and/or special tracks. These should be relevant to the core theme of the conference and intended to help delegates improve their skills. Please send your suggestions to Please check the important dates/deadlines to submit your proposal in a timely fashion.

Doctoral Workshop

Please forward your proposals to T. Johnsen at